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  • ‘’Amplify has been a great setting to learn to lean deeper into the holy spirit and step further out of my comfort zone. It was great to spend time with more prophetic people and to dive deeper into what a prophetic lifestyle looks like. I have come out of the course hearing the father’s voice more clearly and have grown deeper in my relationship with him as a result! Great course!’ Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “I loved the days together, but I also enjoyed the monthly meetings. I learnt that I need regular connection with prophetic people and I need regular input. As such, I would do it again just because I need something to stay sharp. I particularly enjoyed the visiting speakers and also received a lot of encouragement about my prophetic gifting and journey and have left the course feeling much more secure in my identity as a prophetic person”.- Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “I enjoyed getting to know all the people and how we opened up with each other and encouraged one another”.- Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “I have really enjoyed this course, thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of it. I feel like I have learnt a lot and have grown over the year. I am so grateful”.-Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “THANKS for such a stirring, encouraging course, it was a real blessing to me!”- Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “Everyone was so encouraging, supportive and positive. It really was a great course - practical, encouraging, inspiring and provoking. It gave a great opportunity to connect with other prophetic people and learn and grow from them”.-Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “I've really enjoyed the experience and have gained loads from the school”. -Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022
  • “I attended the ‘Encounter days’  in person, I really enjoyed these days. There was a good balance in structure and input as well as freedom and space to allow the Holy Spirit to move”.- Amplify Prophetic School class of 2022